Wink Elementary, also known as the "Oil Patch," is situated in Wink, Texas. This school caters to 250 students from Pre-Kindergarten through sixth grade and is home to the Wildcats. Wink Elementary takes pride in its ability to prepare students for the present and future while also shaping them to be lifelong learners.
Superior Playgrounds worked with Wink Elementary to create a themed playground that would allow children to explore and engage in various activities. The playground features the school's signature orange and black color scheme while also providing shade on two distinct sections of the play area. A swing set is strategically placed along the fence while still maintaining proper distance. Additionally, there is a dedicated corner for musical instruments, including a mounted guitar panel, piano panel, bongos, and other nature-themed musical instruments. Children will enjoy the separation of each space to do what catches their interest and attention for the day.