Model: TFR0673XX Delta Dome Climber

The Delta Dome Climber is a modern freestanding play climber that is designed for children ages 5-12 years. This dome-style playground climber is a classic playground piece.

Incorporate this freestanding playground climber into your commercial play environment to promote active play for the children. Our Delta Dome Climber is most popular among elementary schools but would also make a great addition to any park and recreation playground. This climber combines two different types of climbing activities, including a classic rung-style ladder and a modern hexagon climber. This product has a use zone of 27' x 27' and a fall height of 70".


  • Playgrounds_CapacityAsset 18 Age Range: 5-12 Years
  • Playgrounds_Use ZoneAsset 17 Use Zone: 27'x27'
  • Playgrounds_Fall HeightAsset 20 Fall Height: 70"

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